Guidelines for Re-opening May 31, 2020
Before opening the church for services, it will be completely cleaned/sanitized in accordance with CDC guidelines; and X’s in blue tape will indicate the available seating while maintaining the six feet between each person or couple. Since our church is small we estimate that we will only be able to accommodate (30) thirty people during each service, so please arrive early so you are able to obtain a seat. Orthros will start at 9am followed by Divine Liturgy at 10am.
Each parishioner must bring their own mask which will always be required to be worn while in the church; limited movement while in the church; must wash and/or sanitize hands upon entering and exiting the church.
As each parishioner approaches the church, they must keep the six-foot distance between others, which will be marked on the sidewalk leading to the church entrance. Before entering the church, each person’s temperature will be taken with a digital thermometer and if the temperature reading is above 100.4 degrees he or she will be kindly asked to return to their home.
Upon entering the narthex there will be a check-in for recording all attending the service; if parishioner desires to have a candlelit it will be done by a designated person; Honor is to be shown to Holy Icons and the Holy Cross by only doing your cross and bowing, keeping in mind not to kiss or to touch the Holy Icons and the Holy Cross. The usher will direct the parishioner(s) to the available seating for the service. No liturgy books will be provided in the pews, so parishioners should bring their own. No one is to enter the Holy Altar except the clergy and assigned adult helpers. A place to accept offerings will be provided in the Narthex upon entering or leaving.
When the time for Holy Communion comes each row will be invited up row by row while maintaining the (6) six-foot minimum distance as marked on the floor of the church; as the parishioner approaches for communion they will remove their mask momentarily to receive Holy Communion. Clergy and assisting adult helpers must wear a mask during the distribution of Holy Communion. The red communion cloth will be held underneath the person’s chin by the assigned adult helpers. The communicant may not touch it and absolutely no wiping of mouths. No antidoron will be distributed at the time of Communion but instead at the end of the service.
After the dismissal, the clergy will distribute the antidoron wearing a mask and gloves and they will not offer their hands for reverence. Parishioners should maintain a (6) six-foot social distance and refrain from handshakes or hugs. For the sake of others, please do not socialize in the Narthex or other areas of the church or its surrounding buildings or parking lots. Additionally, Coffee Fellowship hours will be canceled until further notice.
I have attached some recent documents that came from His Eminence Alexios—we are not taking “registrations” for attending services as they outline, however again we suggest that you arrive early in order to obtain a seat in the sanctuary.