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Palm Sunday | Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church | Bulletin 04-21-19

Writer's picture: Margeaux ValleeMargeaux Vallee

Holy Trinity

Greek Orthodox Church

24411 Rampart Blvd

Port Charlotte, FL 33980

Phone: 941.629.3888

V. Rev. Father Mojmir Zalcik, Ph.D

will lead us in the Divine Liturgy

Psalte: George Vriniotis

Sexton: George Stavropoulos

Attendants Today: Jim Sanders, Tom Bobotas,

Michael O’Dougherty, Monica Vallee

Next Week: Cathy Roy, Nick Louloudis,

Debbie Kontos and Peter Kyriakopoulos

Sweet Ladies Today: Judy Stavropoulos, Theodora Dietrich, Cathy Roy, Eve Manthous, Maria Louloudis

Next Week: Fran Kyriakopoulos, Rose Marie Tsourkas, Eileen Tassa, Nickie Doukas, and Lesa Basta

Divine Services Schedule:

Sun. April 21 – Palm Sunday (5th Sunday) Palm Procession & Blessing of Palms Orthros 9am, Divine Liturgy at 10am

Sun. April 21 – Bridegroom/Nymphios Service at 6pm

Mon. April 22 – Bridegroom/Nymphios Service at 6pm

Tues. April 23 – Bridegroom/Nymphios Service at 6pm

Wed. April 24 – The Sacrament of Holy Unction Service at 6pm

Thur. April 25 – The Service of the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ at 6pm

The reading of the 12 Gospels

Fri. April 26 – The Holy and Great Friday Services:

Great Vespers/The Apokathelosis-Unnailing (Taking down from the Cross) at 3pm

The Lamentations Service with Procession of the Epitaphios at 7pm

Sat. April 27 – Great and Holy Saturday Service:

Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great/Proti Anastasi at 10am 


Sat. April 27 – Orthros/Matins of the Resurrection (Anastasi) at 11:00pm

Sun. April 28 – Holy Paschal Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom at Midnight/12 am

        Refreshment will be served in the after service

Sun. April 28 – Paschal Sunday Vespers –

Agape Service at 11am

After service Luncheon - The Agape Picnic

Tickets are available. Ask a parish council member

Fri. May 3 – Renewal Friday

Theotokos of the Life-Giving Spring Orthros at 9am, Div. Lit. at 10am

Sun. May 5 – Thomas Sunday Orthros at 9am, Divine Liturgy at 10am

Memorial service for the husband of Kathy Edwards, Thomas Edwards


Ellen Healy 4/22: Michael Davey 4/24


Charles & Nancy Mardanes 4/24

Joshua & Marina Mullis 4/26

May our Lord and God grant you

Many Blessed Years


Lenten Luncheon & Bake Sale 04/21

Egg dying on 04/25

Red Egg Dye for Sale $2

Decorating the Epitaphio 04/26

All members please be available for the Elections which will be held on May 5th.

Bulletin News

Holy Trinity Scholarship

For graduating high school seniors, the Holy Trinity scholarship is available. Please contact Michael O’Dougherty for an application.

Deadline for applying is May 16th.

Contact Fr. Mojmir Zalcik

Please let Fr. Mojmir know if you would like to have a memorial for a loved one. We can announce it in the bulletin.

If you need a prayer for yourself, or for your beloved one who is sick or in need, or spiritual talk, do not hesitate to tell Fr. Mojmir.

Fr. Mojmir Zalcik’s Office Hours

Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 to 12:00 Noon

Phone: 941.629.3888

Cell: 304.319.3441


We welcome all who have come to pray with us. Baptized and Chrismated Orthodox Christians who are properly prepared though prayer, fasting, repentance and alms giving are invited to come forward to receive the Holy Eucharist. Everyone is invited to receive Antidoron (blessed bread)from the priest at the end of the Divine Liturgy.


adapted from the sermon of Metropolitan Sotirios (Trambas) of Pisidia

Our Orthodox faith, my beloved friends in Christ our Lord, is called ‘symbolic’, because it’s expressed in symbols. In other words, it’s expressed in simple signs, though these actually have profound significance and meaning. One of these signs, the most important and most sacred, is the Cross. We shouldn’t see the Cross merely as two bits of wood nailed together, one vertical and the other horizontal, but we should think about what happened on that configuration. As you all know very well, my Christian friends, one day, a Friday, on a hill, Golgotha, the incarnate Son of God was nailed to this shape by the people and suffered a painful death. But this death of the Lord was redeeming. For those who believe, this death is salvation from their sins.

From ancient times, people offered sacrifices for the remission of their sins. Remember Abel, who offered sheep to God. But these animal sacrifices in the Old Testament weren’t able to expunge sins. These sacrifices prefigured the great Sacrifice on Golgotha, the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which truly does away with our sins, because it was perfect, the Sacrifice of the Son of God. That’s right, my friends. That’s how we should see the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross - as a sacrifice, an offering, on the part of Jesus Christ to His heavenly Father on behalf of us, for the redemption of our sins. In this, we see the great love of God, our Father, Who, for our sake, gave up His only-begotten Son to death on the Cross. Those who believe in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life.

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